92 – Snow Day

92 – Snow Day

Unless you live in the southern United States, snow days are a constant problem. Here in the northwest, we have a snow day today and it has caused havoc. Compared to what most of you face in winter, we only need a few inches and the whole area comes to a halt. Due to...
91 – The Joy of Failing

91 – The Joy of Failing

Work becomes very difficult if you end up failing. Most people I have worked with are terrified of failure. Not afraid.  Not worried. But, absolutely terrified. Yet failure is a critical part of life. I remember reading (I cannot find the exact story now) of a...
90 – Upset Customers and Employees

90 – Upset Customers and Employees

As employees, we are to show to work, put in a full day and then head home (or to the bar!). What we do should not matter as we are being paid to fulfill a certain role and not worry about anything else. That is fine if we were robots. We are not robots and we need...
89 – Management Out of Touch?

89 – Management Out of Touch?

Surveys about the communication between management and employees are not encouraging. According to a Gallup Poll, 78% of employees believe their management does not have a clear direction for the company! Wow! That is a gut punch to all of us who have been in...
87 – A New Work Manifesto – Part 5

87 – A New Work Manifesto – Part 5

Workers 60 years ago were focused on survival and any job was a great benefit. They weren’t too picky about what job they took…just needed anything that paid to survive.  They were a hardy bunch! Those days are over.  If you are an employer, forget telling...
86 – Job Satisfaction Failure

86 – Job Satisfaction Failure

When I first started working, I knocked myself out to show my worth and to reap great satisfaction from that work. After a few years of trying and trying, I had to face the fact that plan wasn’t making progress. I would like to say that I figured out a new...