by Wayne Robertson | May 20, 2021 | Work
Oh joy! The next generation is here and they are greatly different from the Millennials. Generation Z is defined has those born in the mid-1990’s (definitions vary) and are just starting to come into the workforce now. Addeco, the temp staffing firm,...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 13, 2021 | Work
Parents are torn between their work and children during the workday School and work schedules almost never work together and this brings great pain to parents Time shifting for employees and making their schedule flexible is a great step to a happier workforce Remote...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 11, 2021 | Management, Work
The wide range of media available ranging from social environments to cable television fights for our attention Focusing on the job can be a great boost to productivity Short focus times will still be very production Remote workers can attain focus easier than in an...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 9, 2021 | Work
When I was interviewing for my first job in the tech world, I heard that I was not experienced enough and to check back after I got a few years of experience. It was tough to figure out how to get the experience so I could check back. Fast forward several decades and...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 7, 2021 | Work
Maternity leave can be a stressful time for the new mother Being away from the office and out of touch with all business activities can bring on stress Providing the new mother remote access can enable them to keep in touch and yet still spend time with the new baby...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 7, 2021 | Work
The tech world leads in new work environments due to the speed of new services and products. The future gig economy business will have several different types of workers: Permanent employees Long-term contract workers Short-term freelance workers Part-time workers...