by Wayne Robertson | Mar 3, 2022 | Remote Work
I have been hiding in my home for 46 days except for trips to the grocery store or pharmacy. While I have no problem working from home, staying home by choice is great. I can get lots of work done. Staying home by order of the government and nothing to do if I...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 27, 2022 | Management, Remote Work
If you are a manager of a team that is now working remote, you are in trouble! The methods you used to manage a team sitting in the office with you will not work. Managing a remote team is totally different. I have had the pleasure and problems of working remote off...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 18, 2022 | Management, Remote Work
There is a potential problem popping up again with remote work: The Micromanager boss. It is bad enough to have a micromanaging boss when you are in an office with them. When you are remote, the boss anxiety shoots up to painful heights. Remember, micromanagement by...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 15, 2022 | Remote Work
Reach out and touch someone! That has been the slogan for AT&T and phone companies many years ago. It is even more important now. Now that so many are working out of our homes, staying in touch is so terribly important. As a survivor (and thriving) of remote work...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 12, 2022 | Remote Work
Now that hundreds of thousands of employees are forced to work at home, we need power moves for great success. If you have read any of my previous posts on remote work, you will realize what a fan I am of that method of working! Remote work has problems but it is...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 6, 2022 | Remote Work
Now that hundreds of thousands of employees are forced to work at home, we need power moves for great success. If you have read any of my previous posts on remote work, you will realize what a fan I am of that method of working! Remote work has problems but it is...