Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

Here in the west coast, the new year is upon us and it is exciting to see another year coming our way. 2019 probably had great highs and terrible lows.  Life is frequently a combination of good and bad events. If you are worried about what is coming in 2020, pause to...
Fathers Day

Fathers Day

Today is Father’s Day! I enjoy my work (most days) but being a father is an even greater joy. There are few roles harder than being a parent. When the children are young, you need to figure out how to get through the work day after being up all night with a sick...
Increasing Productivity At Christmas

Increasing Productivity At Christmas

Christmas and New Year’s is a time of great celebration and joy for many. For business executives, it is a time of mixed emotions. Think of Ebenezer Scrooge in the Christmas Carol story.  Giving Christmas day off to his employees was ridiculous to that goof. For...
New Year Joy

New Year Joy

New Year’s Resolutions are junk.  It is a great idea that does not work out. But, a new year gives us a chance to think about how we work and achieve our goals. It also gives us a chance to find methods of being more effective (not necessarily efficient but that...