11 – The Secret Longing of Almost Every Person

11 – The Secret Longing of Almost Every Person

I don’t know how many times in private conversation with friends and colleagues, I hear one constant theme.  The absolute desire for freedom.  Some want to be their own boss (61% according to Gallup) and the rest are perfectly content to work for someone else....
109 – Working Less

109 – Working Less

I won’t bore you to tears about my mistakes over the 30 plus years in the corporate world!  Too boring. However, I will mention that in my early days in business, I worked my keister off, volunteered for everything, and wore myself out. What did I get for all...
108 – Strange Date

108 – Strange Date

Today is a weird date – 02/02/2020 can be written backwards and forwards – a Palindrome. According to the smart people who worry about these things, the last one was 909 years ago on 11/11/1111 and the next one will be only 101 years from now: 12/12/2121!...
107 – Employee Requirements

107 – Employee Requirements

Companies are about to be hammered!  I am not sure the leaders of most companies know what is coming at them! I have been talking with a variety of employees for a number of years and I see several trends coming up that business need to be aware of. Fixed Rules Won’t...