112 – Smartphone Liberation – Part 2

Freedom at Last! The smartphone has brought significant improvements in our lives.  It is so useful that it is hard to find an adult or child that does not have one. Even those that are having financial struggles seem to be able afford a cell phone!  How do they do...
111 – Smartphone Liberation – Part 1

111 – Smartphone Liberation – Part 1

It is really interesting about how the Smartphone has invaded our lives.  I purchased one of the first cellular phones over 30 years ago and that was big and permanently installed in my vehicle.  It had a big huge handset and hard to use. Now the phone can slip in my...
11 – The Secret Longing of Almost Every Person

11 – The Secret Longing of Almost Every Person

I don’t know how many times in private conversation with friends and colleagues, I hear one constant theme.  The absolute desire for freedom.  Some want to be their own boss (61% according to Gallup) and the rest are perfectly content to work for someone else....
109 – Working Less

109 – Working Less

I won’t bore you to tears about my mistakes over the 30 plus years in the corporate world!  Too boring. However, I will mention that in my early days in business, I worked my keister off, volunteered for everything, and wore myself out. What did I get for all...
108 – Strange Date

108 – Strange Date

Today is a weird date – 02/02/2020 can be written backwards and forwards – a Palindrome. According to the smart people who worry about these things, the last one was 909 years ago on 11/11/1111 and the next one will be only 101 years from now: 12/12/2121!...