by Wayne Robertson | Feb 27, 2022 | Management, Remote Work
If you are a manager of a team that is now working remote, you are in trouble! The methods you used to manage a team sitting in the office with you will not work. Managing a remote team is totally different. I have had the pleasure and problems of working remote off...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 24, 2022 | Work
For decades I have seen stories about how customers need to come first for the success of a business. I actually bought into this theory for a number of years (blush). But, after observing a number of companies up close and how this goal is implemented, I realize...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 18, 2022 | Management, Remote Work
There is a potential problem popping up again with remote work: The Micromanager boss. It is bad enough to have a micromanaging boss when you are in an office with them. When you are remote, the boss anxiety shoots up to painful heights. Remember, micromanagement by...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 17, 2022 | Life, Work
We are told that robots are becoming more human-like and will take on our characteristics. We see them as perfect and performing flawlessly compared to us broken down humans. It is enough to give a person a complex. I can see a new branch of counseling – to...
by Wayne Robertson | Feb 15, 2022 | Remote Work
Reach out and touch someone! That has been the slogan for AT&T and phone companies many years ago. It is even more important now. Now that so many are working out of our homes, staying in touch is so terribly important. As a survivor (and thriving) of remote work...