16 – Work Life Balance is a Crock

16 – Work Life Balance is a Crock

There have been thousands of articles written about work-life balance.  There is a theory that you can balance your home life with your work. Crock of beans! How can something that takes 50-60 hours a week compete with your family?  Work does and always will dominate...
15 – 70% of employees don’t like their job

15 – 70% of employees don’t like their job

According to Gallup Research, 70% of employees in the US don’t like their jobs. Some merely dislike their job and others absolutely hate every moment on the job. (See Gallup Poll Report). For the 30% that say they ove their jobs, should we be jealous or consider...
14 – Employee of the Month Disaster

14 – Employee of the Month Disaster

The old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions is very true when picking an employee of the month.  This program, conceived in the HR department, sounds like a great path to solve the problem of making sure the employees feel appreciated.  Picking...
13 – The Benefits of Being Stupid

13 – The Benefits of Being Stupid

One of the toughest parts of being a new employee is the feeling of stupid. In your first days in the new office, it is hard enough to memorize names, find the bathroom, get your computer working, and clean the cubicle that the previous tenant left filthy (not just...