by Wayne Robertson | Apr 15, 2021 | Life, Remote Work
Millennials have many great benefits they can bring to the workplace They also have significant characteristics that are different from previous generations Millennials have great devotion to their employer if certain conditions are met Millennials focus on completing...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 15, 2021 | Remote Work
Absolutely amazing! If you, as a manager, could gain much greater productivity at minimal cost, what would you do? It would be irresponsible not to take advantage of this option. Yet, most management refuses to consider make changing their work environment to...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 13, 2021 | Work
Parents are torn between their work and children during the workday School and work schedules almost never work together and this brings great pain to parents Time shifting for employees and making their schedule flexible is a great step to a happier workforce Remote...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 11, 2021 | Entrepreneur
It sounds cool to be a part of the gig economy. There are a number of definitions for this new way of working but all definitions revolved around short-term work stints in a business as a non-employee. For example, a graphic designer will be brought in to...
by Wayne Robertson | Apr 11, 2021 | Management, Work
The wide range of media available ranging from social environments to cable television fights for our attention Focusing on the job can be a great boost to productivity Short focus times will still be very production Remote workers can attain focus easier than in an...