35 – 8 Benefits From Remote Work

35 – 8 Benefits From Remote Work

When considering remote work, it is easy to forget how many benefits there are from working outside of the office.  Most remote workers do it from their home although a few work from a coffee shop or (ugh) mall. The benefits are amazing: Work freedom – sick...
32 – Can You Handle Remote Work? (Part 2)

32 – Can You Handle Remote Work? (Part 2)

  It is all neat and well to get excited about working remotely.  However, there are some practical items to consider. The equipment you use to connect back to the company you are working for can make working remotely a great pleasure or a misery. The key to...
31 – Can You Handle Remote Work? (Part 1)

31 – Can You Handle Remote Work? (Part 1)

The lure of working remotely is great.  The thought of missing all those hours of commuting.  The Washington Post reported that Americans spent a collective 3.4 million YEARS commuting in 2014.  For the average person, it is over 15 full days a year spent commuting....