by Wayne Robertson | Jul 25, 2021 | Work
Want to revolutionize your business? There is a simple answer that is difficult to implement. While this is not a magic bullet, it has huge benefits for both employees and their I don’t have a scientific survey to make this conclusion but after 30+ years...
by Wayne Robertson | Jul 22, 2021 | Work
This is an issue the executives and HR departments have wrestled for many years. I truly believe that many businesses truly want to find methods of rewarding their employees but really don’t know what exactly will keep the employees happy. Oh, for those...
by Wayne Robertson | Jul 18, 2021 | Remote Work
Not everyone is suited to working remote. There are employees with certain skills that suite the remote working model the best. Leaders Not all leaders have a team. But being a leader is a talent that many can have even if no one works for them. Does the employee...
by Wayne Robertson | Jul 15, 2021 | Remote Work
As you sit in heavy commuter traffic at 6:30 in the morning, it is easy to think how great it would be to work remote and have a 30-second commute from your bedroom to the home office. Wow! Not sitting in the smog-filled commute for 90 minutes each way! No longer...
by Wayne Robertson | Jul 12, 2021 | Life
Most people in the United States live in cities. According to the United States Census Bureau, 63% of the population lives in cities. The mind-numbing fact is that these cities only cover 3.5% of the land in the country. The population of cities is 45x the density...