by Wayne Robertson | Aug 28, 2021 | Work
Reynaldo had a complex presentation due in two days. It was a PowerPoint presentation along with some data research. It was crunch time as the first draft review was due in 24 hours. Reynaldo did what he knew best. He went to a coffee shop. It is something I have...
by Wayne Robertson | Aug 25, 2021 | Work
Each morning, we all face a new set of problems that can sap the very lifeblood out of us! Each person needs to have 3 critical conditions to be successful each day. If you cannot have these conditions met, your chances of success will be limited 1. Focus One of the...
by Wayne Robertson | Aug 22, 2021 | Work
I grew up in a home where hard work was prized and slothfulness was an incredible sin. My parents came through the depression of the 1930’s and it left an indelible impression on them. Getting a job, any job, was the highest priority. It came before family,...
by Wayne Robertson | Aug 18, 2021 | Work I have struggled with this problem for most of my life. Now, many years into my life, I am starting to get on top of this problem. Prioritization To help you understand the problem, I have a...
by Wayne Robertson | Aug 15, 2021 | Work
It is strange how some seasons of the year more busier than others. For me, the November and December is laid back for work. There is lots of work to do but people seem to be not as rushed and less urgent about everything. Summer can be a less hectic time as team...