95 – Many employees are broke

95 – Many employees are broke

Having been broke in my past, I remember those days well…too well!  The money ran out before the month did. I think it is good to have financial problems sometime in a person’s life as it tends to concentrate the mind.  It was such a tough time for me that...
94 -The Magic Answer

94 -The Magic Answer

Beset by problems at work?  Each day is a struggle? You may be working in a miserable situation.  Just up and quitting is not a short-term answer. It is so easy to look at the problems.  I can hear positive things from 10 people and one person that is critical sits on...
92 – Snow Day

92 – Snow Day

Unless you live in the southern United States, snow days are a constant problem. Here in the northwest, we have a snow day today and it has caused havoc. Compared to what most of you face in winter, we only need a few inches and the whole area comes to a halt. Due to...
91 – The Joy of Failing

91 – The Joy of Failing

Work becomes very difficult if you end up failing. Most people I have worked with are terrified of failure. Not afraid.  Not worried. But, absolutely terrified. Yet failure is a critical part of life. I remember reading (I cannot find the exact story now) of a...
90 – Upset Customers and Employees

90 – Upset Customers and Employees

As employees, we are to show to work, put in a full day and then head home (or to the bar!). What we do should not matter as we are being paid to fulfill a certain role and not worry about anything else. That is fine if we were robots. We are not robots and we need...