Having been broke in my past, I remember those days well…too well!  The money ran out before the month did.

I think it is good to have financial problems sometime in a person’s life as it tends to concentrate the mind.  It was such a tough time for me that it kicked me in the butt and made me focus on upgrading my finances.

A signification problem during that time was the impact it had on my work life.  Financial worries impact all of a person’s life and work will suffer.  It is not the manager’s fault a team member is having money problems but those problems will impact work.

It could be worry that is on the employee’s mind all the time.  It could be a vehicle does not work because there wasn’t money for repairs.  Not being able to buy good food until the next check arrives.

Anything that takes the employee’s mind off of work is a problem for the manager.

Money problems aren’t the fault of the employer – it is up to the employee to solve.  However, the manager can provide emotional support to the employee and even rearranging work to enable the employee to take care of a problem during the day.

For the employee, take every step you can to solve your financial problems and it will make you a better employee.  Take on another job in the evenings or weekend.  Yes, I know it may make you tired during the workday at your regular job but you will be moving toward financial wholeness.

Once you break through the clouds and gloom of financial problems, the sun is a little brighter and the air smells clean and fresh!

Simply – you cannot be a great success in your work if financial problems are dogging you all day.   Take the steps now and get free!