When I was interviewing for my first job in the tech world, I heard that I was not experienced enough and to check back after I got a few years of experience.

It was tough to figure out how to get the experience so I could check back.

Fast forward several decades and I am seeing many professional acquaintances having a hard time getting a job even though they are fantastic hard workers that have a huge amount of experience.

While age discrimination is not legal, there are many ways to get around that problem and not hire an older worker.

However, the last thing I want is further laws passed to hire older workers.

The problem is a stereotype about older workers that need to examine:

  • Older workers are lazy

No true. But there is some truth in that statement.

Older workers are not willing to work around the clock to prove themselves.

They will put in 8+ solid hours of work but they are not willing to give up their life for the job as a 20-year-old will.

  • Older workers are steady workers

True. True. True.  We older workers have been through many tough work experiences and don’t scare easily.

When a crisis arises, they will be willing to work hard to solve the problem come up with solutions based on their years of experience.  Be aware they have a good BS meter and this has to be a true crisis and not a made-up crisis based on some phony deadline.

  • Older workers will need time off for health reasons

True.  As we get older, our bodies turn on us and we will need time off for surgeries, medical treatments, cancer, etc.

However, younger workers are getting pregnant, needing to take time off for their sick children, and other personal reasons.

All employees are affected by health issues to some extent.

Studies have shown that older workers don’t miss much more work than younger workers due to health problems. (see this article 5 stereotypes about older workers debunked)

  • Older workers don’t work as hard

Maybe true.  Maybe not. Depends on how you are counting their work.

Hours per day…maybe not.


Older workers are not going to sit around at their desk until the bell rings and they can go home if there is nothing to do.

Frequently I see them pounding out the work fast because they have done it thousands of times before.

Watching a PowerPoint pro put together a presentation is a beautiful sight to see (yes, I need to get a life!)

  • Older workers are not as compliant


They are not going to put up with every wild scheme you can dream up.

But…do you want all your workers robotic followers of every word that comes out of your mouth?

If you do…check your management style.

Nothing is harder…and better for you to have someone who questions your decisions.  You will be a better leader with people like that on your team.

To the older worker…make your questions civilly and with a genuine interest in a good decision.  Not just spouting off your frustration.

  • Older workers learn slower

Partially true.  As we all get older, learning is slower as cognition is not as fast.  Not a huge amount of additional time to learn but not quite as fast as a 20-year-old.

However, there is evidence that learning is more thorough and longer lasting because it took longer to learn.

Bottom Line

In business, you need younger workers, you need older workers, you need male, you need female, you need single, you need married employees, etc.

You need  all types of people to make a good mix of employees