After talking with hundreds of employees over the last 30 years, a few truths come true.
There is a #1 desire of all employees.
It is not free meals.
It is not free dry cleaning.
It is not a fancy office.
It is not free vacations (although that is highly desired!)
It is not an onsite spa.
It is not paid college tuition.
Life coaching services.
All of these are great perks. But, that is not the #1 desire of employees.
This is not scientific but it comes from my discussions with hundreds of employees over many years…drumroll, please…
They want to feel successful.
Employees are tired of feeling under fire and constantly being criticized for failing to achieve.
I am not talking about employees that are not skilled enough to perform the work.
I am talking about employees who are earnest, hardworking, dedicated and highly desirous of getting something done.
Most companies value their employees but get confused sometimes about what the employees really want.
Simple test. Tell an employee you will double their pay but their life will become a living hell. Some will take it but many will say “…not a chance…”.
Next test. Tell an employee that their next raise will be canceled but their workload will be greatly reduced and most days will be very rewarding. Watch the excitement as they jump at that option!
I have seen a much greater interest in work-life balance over the last decade.
Employees willing to sacrifice their personal life for greater responsibility in a company is shrinking.
Create a plan where the employee feels rewarded from their work and you will have an enthusiastic worker for life!