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It is here!  Remote work to the rescue!

The Covid-19 emergency has forced many of us workers to work remote.  Whether we want to or not.

Just think about what would happen to many businesses right now if we could not work remote!

I don’t know how many customer service team members I have talked to at multiple companies, in the last few weeks, where I reached the representative who was working at home.  It was fine with me…I don’t care where you are when I talk with you.

Global Workplace Analytics studied remote working and found out that an average company saves $11,000 per employee working just 50% of their time remote.

We have found out that many remote work systems are not adequate for all employees to work remote at the same time.  Companies need to beef up their remote access sytems.

Every company needs to plan for another shutdown like Covid-19 in the future.  It is not if it will occur but when.

Business Plans

Making good business plans for remote work is critical.  When the whole team is remote, it complicates the management process.  We are all so used to seeing each other eye-to-eye in meetings.  For many, being remote and holding meetings over the phone is hard.

I am fortunate as I have worked with remote teams (usually in offices across the country), so it was an easy transition to move to fully remote work.  At the same time, not being able to see a facial expression in a meeting makes it harder.  Video meetings help but it is not the same as seeing someone in person.

Remote work in the future

Even after we get the all-clear signal to return to work and socializing there will still be a huge need for remote work.

Those that are suffering from any kind of illness should work remote.  Imagine being in the office with a generic, basic cold.  Coughing and sneezing around others will cause your fellow works to freak out.

There will be those in the future that will still be suffering from Covid-19 and will need to be remote.

Then there are those in the danger zone that will need to work remote.  For example, those that are immuno compromised, seniors, mothers with young children, etc.

All those should work remote for their safety and the safety of all others.

We are going to face some interesting liability questions.  If you are forced back to work yet could do your job remotely, what liability does the company have if you come down with Covid-19 because you were infected by someone at work.?  I am not a lawyer, and I don’t play one on television, but I suspect that it could be a huge lawsuit.

As long as the work can be done remotely, I would be very careful in forcing team members back into the office.  Consult your lawyer for potential liability!

Businesses should plan to have a fully-featured remote access system up and running going forward.  That is the only way to keep up with problems like Coronovirus is right now.