Beset by problems at work? Each day is a struggle?
You may be working in a miserable situation. Just up and quitting is not a short-term answer.
It is so easy to look at the problems. I can hear positive things from 10 people and one person that is critical sits on my mind.
I have found a magic solution to those problems…
It does not cost any money…
It does not take any extraordinary skill…
Anyone can do it…
The magic?
Even if you are facing tremendous problems…think of the things that are going right.
I have a house I can live in comfortably.
I have a great family.
I enjoy my work (most days).
Yes, the traffic sucks as I sit in a slow-moving line.
There is never enough time to get everything done.
I don’t spend enough time with my wife.
I don’t spend enough time with my children.
But, if I look at the fact I have a great wife and children and live in a nice house and more things are going right than wrong, I feel grateful.
When all seems lost and you are down, do an inventory of all the good in your life. I guarantee you will feel grateful.
Now, I know that sounds like a new age thing but I can prove it works.
Regardless of what circumstance you are in, more things are going right than wrong. I fall into the trap that the problems outweigh the good features of my life and I focus on that.
Taken an inventory of your life and focus on the good things!