A new group of workers are focused on working hard and retiring early.
Not only are they willing to work hard but they are willing to build their savings as we have never seen before.
The idea of working for 43 years (graduating from college at 22 and retiring at 65) is not flying with some of the new group of workers (mostly millennials).
They are in no mood to tolerate working endlessly, getting a gold watch, and sitting around watching the sunrise and sunset in retirement.
This means cutting down on their lifestyle wants but they think it is worth it to have a more satisfying job and more control over their time and able to retire at 50 or 55 years of age.
Rather than being working in a 9 to 5 environment for 4 decades, these people not only wish to be out of that world but actually do something about it. It means working hard for about 15 – 20 years but they feel it is worth it
You may end up with some of these people on your employee roster. They will work very hard and want to amass as much money as possible so they can retire early.
By finding out what their goals are, you can get great work out of this type of employee and help them meet their goals.
The future will have employees who want to make as much money as soon as possible (e.g., few benefits), some want to have full employee benefits and security, some want a flexible schedule, some want a maximum number of vacation days, some want to work remote away from the office, and others want to work not as an employee but as a freelancer.
Employers will need to have several employment options for employees and others working with them and the standard one employment standard for all employees will not work.
The future is here now and companies need to start adapting to the new needs of employees or risk losing them to startups and other more flexible companies.