For the last 100 years plus, businesses have worked very hard to make all employees conditions and benefits the same.
The result is a requirement that each employee needs to adapt to the company or find a job somewhere else.
The problem is that we are all individuals that are motivated by different ideas and goals.
Some employees are motivated by money. They will take on incredibly hard projects or activities just because of the money.
Others are looking for a good life balance with less money.
We are all motivated by money but some are singularly focused on putting dollars in their bank account.
It is my experience that money is one of the lowest motivators of employees.
Simple test: would an employee work at a job where every day was a horrific hell of problems and issues? They may do that for a short time but not for the long term.
Big money buys a short-term commitment from an employee but it does not last.
Of course, too little money and you will eventually have a missing employee.
Beyond Money
Now the problem is to find methods of interesting employees in their work that will ensure they stay long-term.
This brings on the customization of career paths…which flies directly in the face of HR.
HR likes to line up career paths that are identical even though we are different people.
Some enlightened HR organizations are starting to realize the power in customizing job environments for their employees.
It is a lot of extra effort but a great payback and highly recommended for companies interested keeping quality employees.
Job Sculpting
This is the official (and terrible) name for customizing the job environment to the employee.
Instead of a standard set of job classifications, it means a customized career path for each employee.
I am going to explain this function in future blog posts as we look to the wave of the future.