Want to revolutionize your business?  There is a simple answer that is difficult to implement.

While this is not a magic bullet, it has huge benefits for both employees and their

I don’t have a scientific survey to make this conclusion but after 30+ years working in large and small companies, I can say without reservation that people (employees) are the #1 problem for all businesses.

Solve the people problem and most of the other problems can be resolved.

A confident, happy workforce can make any business a massive success.  A company that has the best products with a dispirited workforce will fail.

So what is this important factor?  Compassion

I was reminded of compassion when I read an old article in the Huffington Post (The Science of Compassion) by James Doty that laid out the benefits of compassion,

According to Dr. Doty, compassion is:

“Compassion is the recognition of another’s suffering and a desire to alleviate that suffering. Often brushed off as a hippy dippy religious term irrelevant in modern society, rigorous empirical data supports the view of all major world religions: compassion is good.”

It is getting worse in the workplace.  Compassion in corporations is evaporating.  The push for rolling out new products in a hurry, beating the competition, and keeping costs down, compassion for people is rare.

Employees need an environment where there is compassion and an understanding of their personal and professional lives.

In a future post, I will discuss some of the ways compassion can be shown to team members both in an office and especially for those working remotely.