If an executive admits to allowing their employees to work remote, the advice givers come out of the walls.  It is gratifying to see how many are instant “experts” on this topic!

The gloom and doom from these naysayers is breathtaking.  They will shake the confidence of even the strongest executive.

These soothsayers of doom point out how the business will be ruined when the employees work away from the office. They also paint dramatic portraits of the lack of productivity as well as employee lollygagging descending upon the business.

The worst advice?  Listen carefully!

All remote workers will waste time and do minimal work because no one can see them.

This is a stunning comment.

It means that the employees are such horrible workers that if they are not sitting in an office and under the constant watch of the manager, they will be incapable of doing any work.

This is a slap in the face of thousands (or maybe even millions) of workers who are conscientious and will get the job done in almost any environment.

In reality, studies about productivity show the opposite (see this article).  Remote workers are more productive than office workers for a variety of reasons I have discussed before (see this blog).

Don’t let the gloom and doomers win!  Ignore them and provide your employees with flexibility in their work environment!

To your business!